Professional Opportunities – Grad Student Mentorship

“The Doctor Is In”: ATDS Mentors at ATHE

“The Doctor Is In” is a mentoring program targeting graduate students and those who have earned their Ph.D. within the past three years. The program facilitates an informal one-on-one meeting on the Thursday or Friday of ATHE between a mentee and an associate/full professor who’s a member of ATDS. Click here for more information on how to participate in 2014.

ATDS Mentor Program

The mentor program forms connections between scholars and graduate students who share similar research interests, giving students the invaluable opportunity to develop professional relationships with scholars outside of their graduate programs.  Scholars connect with their mentees in a variety of ways, including e-mail discussions as well as in-person meetings. If you are interested in participating in the program as a mentor or mentee, please email ATDS Graduate Representative LaRonika Thomas at with your nameinstitution, and area of research.

 ATDS Dissertation Support Group

The Dissertation Support Group has its own password-protected site, which includes archived faculty advice and a bibliography, and a listserv. We hope to form a strong support network among ATDS graduate students and we need your participation in order to make the Dissertation Support Group a success!  If you are interested in joining the group, please send your namedissertation title, and preferred e-mail address to ATDS Graduate Representative LaRonika Thomas at