Member Benefits

ATDS offers its membership an organizational home providing myriad opportunities for personal and professional development, for intellectual engagement across a diverse spectrum of specializations and interests, and for the cultivation of long-lasting collegial relationships.

More specifically, ATDS member benefits include:

  • Subscription to Theatre Annual: A Journal of Theatre and Performance of the Americas
  • Opportunities to serve on the editorial boards of both Theatre Annual and Journal of American Drama and Theatre.
  • Eligibility for the ATDS Travel and Research Award.
  • Elibibility for the ATDS Publication Subvention Award.
  • Eligibility for the Vera Mowry Roberts Research and Publication Award.
  • Eligibility to nominate candidates for the annual Betty Jean Jones Award, honoring an outstanding teacher of American Theatre and Drama.
  • Members-preferred panels at the annual conference for the Association for Theatre and Higher Education.
  • Guaranteed panels at the Modern Languages Association (MLA) and American Literature Association (ALA) conferences, and other national and international venues.
  • Sponsorship of an adjudicated Emerging Scholars Panel at the ATHE Conference; participants receive $200 awards as well as membership in the organization, and a year’s subscription to Theatre Annual.
  • Eligibility for graduate members to be paired with faculty mentors from other institutions to get comments on their research or insights into the profession.
  • Inclusion of your recent publications in our ATDS Publications list (updated three times per year, circulated to the membership, distributed at ATHE, ALA, and MLA, and used by many ATHE members as resources for ordering new works for their institutions’ libraries).
  • Access to the Experts List on our new ATDS website.
  • Access to the ATDS Dissertation Support Group for graduate student members.