Journal of American Drama and Theatre

Founded in 1989 and previously edited by Professors Vera Mowry Roberts, Jane Bowers, and David Savran, this widely acclaimed peer reviewed journal is now edited by Professors Naomi J. Stubbs and James F. Wilson. JADT publishes thoughtful and innovative work by leading scholars on theatre, drama, and performance in the Americas—past and present. Provocative articles provide valuable insight and information on the heritage of American theatre, as well as its continuing contribution to world literature and the performing arts.

The annual ATDS special issue is guest-edited by an ATDS member in collaboration with an editorial board composed of ATDS members.  JADT’s Book Review editor is an ATDS member appointed by the ATDS president for a two-year term. JADT’s regular editorial board includes 12 ATDS members.

For more information on JADT, click here.

For the annual ATDS special issue call, click here.