ATDS Awards

The American Theatre and Drama Society Awards

The Betty Jean Jones Award

Purpose: To honor and remember Betty Jean Jones who was a highly respected and admired American Theatre and Drama teacher, the American Theatre and Drama Society accepts nominations each year for the Betty Jean Jones Award.  Betty Jean received her Ph.D. from the University of Wisconsin-Madison and, until her untimely death, was a professor at the University of Michigan. The award that bears her name honors individuals who have achieved excellence as college/university teachers and/or scholars, and have served as mentors in the profession. The Betty Jean Jones recipient will receive a travel stipend, a $200 honorarium, and lifetime honorary membership to ATDS.

EligibilityNominees must have taught on the college level (either full or part time) for at least 10 years (these need not have been consecutive), and demonstrate a positive impact on students as scholars/artists and as members of the theatre community. Nominees are expected to be an outstanding teacher of any aspect of American theatre and drama. They do not need not be members of either ATDS or ATHE, but the individual making the nomination must be a member of ATDS.

Nomination: The ATDS member must submit a letter of nomination and no more than three supporting letters describing the nominee’s distinction as a teacher of American theatre or drama (and other significant professional achievements) by March 1, of the year in which the award is to be presented to the chair of the Awards Committee.

Click here for more information about the award and the current call for nominations. (Updated 2017-10-02)

The John W. Frick Book Award

Purpose: To honor the best monograph published each year on theatre and performance of/in the Americas, recognizing that notions of “America” and the United States encompass migrations of peoples and cultures that overlap and influence one another. Books are evaluated on the basis of originality, critical rigor, and contribution to the field. The award recipient will receive a cash prize of $200 and will be recognized at the annual ATDS membership meeting at the ATHE Conference.

Eligibility: Books must exhibit a copyright date of the year prior to the year of the award. Edited collections, anthologies, and plays are not eligible.

Nominations: The author, the publisher, or any member of ATDS may submit nominations by submitting one copy each to that year’s Frick Award Committee members.

Click here for current call. (Updated 2017-10-02)

Vera Mowry Roberts Award for Research and Publication

Purpose: The Vera Mowry Roberts Research and Publication Award is given annually for the best essay published in English (essays must appear in a refereed scholarly journal or edited collection). The essay must focus on Theatre and/or Performance in the Americas (recognizing that notions of “America” and the United States encompass migrations of peoples and cultures that overlap and influence one another). The award recipient will receive $200 and a one-year membership in ATDS and will be recognized at ATDS’s meeting during the annual convention of the Association for Theatre in Higher Education (ATHE).

Eligibility: The author must be a degreed (no longer enrolled in a graduate program) but untenured scholar at the time the essay is published. The competition is also open to independent scholars, or scholars working in adjunct, or full-time, non-tenure track positions.

Nomination: Nominations may come from the author of the essay, any member of the American Theatre and Drama Society, or the editor of a journal or collection in which the essay appeared. Authors may nominate only one essay. Editors may nominate one essay per volume or collection.

Click here for current call. (Updated 2017-10-02)

ATDS Faculty Travel/Research Award

Purpose: On an alternating basis to provide an award in support of faculty travel to present research at an ATDS-sponsored panel (including, but not limited to, ATHE) or to conduct research in the field of theatre, drama, and performance of the Americas.

Eligibility: Faculty members at any rank who have not previously been awarded an ATDS Faculty Travel/Research grant are eligible to apply. Faculty are are also eligible for a travel grant if they have previously received a research grant, and vice versa. Faculty do not have to be a member of ATDS to apply but ATDS members are strongly encouraged to apply.

Click here for current call. (Updated 2017-10-19)

ATDS Publication Subvention Award

Purpose: To help individual authors offset costs not normally covered by publishers, such as illustrations, facsimiles, accompanying multimedia materials, and permissions. Proposals that make use of new technologies are also welcome. The proposed project must focus on Theatre and/or Performance in the Americas (recognizing that notions of “America” and the United States encompass migrations of peoples and cultures that overlap and influence one another). The award recipient will receive a cash prize of $200 and will be recognized at the annual ATDS membership meeting at the ATHE Conference.

Eligibility: Scholars at all stages of their careers are encouraged to apply.  Applicants need not be members of ATDS, but members are especially encouraged to apply.

Click here for current call. (Updated 2017-10-02)

ATDS Contingent Faculty Research & Travel Award

This is a new award to be offered for the first time in 2018 and annually thereafter.

 Purpose: To assist an ATDS member or members who are in contingent faculty with the costs associated with travel to pursue academic research at a location not in their immediate geographic area or to attend a conference.

Eligibility:  ATDS member or members who are in contingent faculty positions that render them ineligible for institutional research or travel support.

Click here for current call. (Updated 2017-10-29)

ATDS Graduate Student Travel/Research Award

Purpose: On an alternating basis, to provide support for graduate student travel to present research at an ATDS-sponsored panel (including, but not limited to, ATHE) or to to conduct research in the field of theatre, drama, and performance of the Americas.

Eligibility: Any student currently enrolled in a graduate program in theatre/performance studies who has not previously been awarded an ATDS Graduate Student Travel/Research award is eligible. Students are also eligible for a travel grant if they have previously received a research grant, and vice versa. Students need not be members of ATDS at the time of application but preference will be given to ATDS members. Please note that the applicant must still be in graduate school during the proposed time of use for the award.

Click here for current call. (Updated 2017-10-08)

ATDS Emerging Scholar Award

Purpose: To support new scholars who have not yet presented at a major national conference to submit papers. Winners will receive a year-long membership to ATDS, which includes subscription to the journal Theatre Annual: A Journal of Theatre and Performance of the Americas, as well as a $200 cash award. Awardees are also expected to present their essay at the ATHE Conference.

Eligibility: Any scholar who has not presented at a major national conference.

Click here for current call.