
2018 ATDS Awards

Please note that you can find updated calls for 2018 ATDS Award Submissions here on the ATDS Awards Page.

Thank You!

The ATDS Board and Officers would like to thank everyone who made the ATDS pre-conference, business meeting, and presence at ATHE such a success this year.

President: Dorothy Chansky, dorothychansky@gmail.com (2017-2019)
Vice President/President Elect: Lisa Jackson-Schebetta, lisajsch@pitt.edu (2017-2019)
Focus Group Representative to ATHE: Lisa Jackson-Schebetta, lisajsch@pitt.edu (2017-2019)
International Secretary:  Laura McDonald, laura.macdonald@port.ac.uk (2017-2021)
Secretary:  Fonzie Geary, dr.fonzie.geary@gmail.com, (2017-2021)
Treasurer/Asst. Secretary:  Jordan Schildcrout, jordan.schildcrout@purchase.edu (2017-2021)
Membership Secretary:  Valerie Joyce, valerie.joyce@villanova.edu, (term ends 2019)
Head of Electronic Initiatives/Listserv Manager: Peter Wood, peterwood@pitt.edu, (2016-2020)
Conference Planner: Ariel Nereson, anereson@buffalo.edu, (term ends 2018)

Board Members whose term ends in 2019:

Anne Fletcher, afletch@siu.edu
Stuart Hecht, stuart.hecht@bc.edu
Beth Osborne, bosborne@fsu.edu
Robert Vorlicky, rhv1@nyu.edu
Cheryl Black, blackc@missouri.edu

Board Members whose term ends in 2021:

Jim Cherry, cherryj@wabash.edu
Heather Nathans, Heather.Nathans@tufts.edu
Megan Sanborn Jones, msjones@byu.edu

Board Member and Graduate Student Representative:  Xiomara Cornejo,  xcty4@mail.missouri.edu (2017-2019)